Canvas LMS Training and Events at BYU
Information about Canvas Training and Events at Brigham Young University
Upcoming Canvas Events
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Meeting ID: 928 7743 8713
Training Options for Canvas Teachers
Current training opportunities are listed below.
Click here for general questions and answers about how Canvas Training at BYU works.
A note for BYU Online teachers:
For teachers of BYU Online courses: You have specialized instruction and training provided through
BYU Online, and they will provide you with the information you need. Please contact the BYU Online office if you need assistance with their training.
DesignPlus and Canvas 2024
MWF beginning Friday, December 20th at 10:00 a.m. in TNRB W-108 or remotely on Zoom at:
For teachers and T.A.s, this class will teach you use DesignPlus to add functionality and visual appeal to your Canvas course(s). Specific topics include using the DesignTools sidebar to design and enhance content, using the Template and Module Builders to build-out an entire course more efficiently, and getting acquainted with the other supplementary tools (including some handy tools for images) that make working in Canvas easier.
This class is presented live (in-person and remote). A recording will also be made available who cannot attend live and who register for the class, below. We recommend that those interested attend live so they can have the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
Registration is required: Please complete the registration form further down on this page.
Teaching With Canvas December 2024
MWF beginning Friday, December 20th at 10:00 a.m. in TNRB W-108 or remotely on Zoom at:
For teachers and T.A.s, this class will teach you how to navigate Canvas and its settings, how to create and manage courses and content, and how to use Canvas LMS effectively in the classroom. The pace will be fast- intended to get you ready for using Canvas in time for the start of fall semester classes.
Learners who would like additional capabilities in their courses are invited to also take the DesignPlus QuickStart class, held on the same two days, in the afternoon. An hour-long break will be held between the classes: Attendees at both classes are invited to eat lunch together at the Cannon Center Commons, a 5 minute walk away, during the break.
This class is presented live (in-person and remote). A recording will also be made available who cannot attend live and who register for the class, below. We recommend that those interested attend live so they can have the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
Registration is required: Please complete the registration form further down on this page.
Solo Training
Growing With Canvas at BYU
If you have any questions related to Canvas training here at BYU, send them to
Canvas Training Questions and Answers
How is BYU Canvas training presented?
We present most of our training live and on-campus, typically in a series of class sessions just under one hour in lengthy. We prefer live classes so participants have the opportunity to ask questions and receive effective coaching as they learn through hands-on activities. We do provide remote and recorded options for those with schedule and other limitations. However, we do strongly encourage live participation on as many days as possible.
Why am I asked to register? Can I just show up on the first day of class, or even join late?
Registration helps us make sure participants have Canvas accounts and appropriate enrollments so we can hit the ground running on Day 1. Last-minute and late learners are welcome - Just be prepared to do a bit of catch-up!
How rigorous is the training?
We aim to keep the training light. We also want it to mean something. Participants learn through hands-on activities, progressing through a class by accomplishing simple objectives. At the end, you'll earn a credential with verification that you have not only participated- you have learned the skills and done the things. Participants can expect some minimal 'homework' (about 30 minutes of reading, watching and doing) between class sessions.
Our team, department or college has special training needs. Can BYU-OIT help?
Absolutely! Send a note to to let us know of your needs - We can provide custom training for small to large campus groups!