Canvas LMS at BYU Skip to main content

Canvas LMS at BYU

Read about changes to user email management in Canvas LMS at BYU

Canvas LMS is one of two primary learning management systems being currently used at Brigham Young University-Provo. It is managed by BYU's Office of Information Technology and is available for use by BYU faculty in standard classes (as offered in the BYU course catalog & AIM registration system). It may also be used for professional development, extra-curricular activities, and any university-related LMS needs serving BYU students, faculty and staff.

Use of Canvas for auxiliary programs (i.e. workshops, special events) and requiring Canvas access by anyone other than BYU students, faculty and staff should be pre-approved by CES / BYU-OIT. Please contact us at for assistance.

Please refer to the top menu links (above) for additional information on Canvas at BYU.